Welcome Message
Dear Colleagues and friends
It is our pleasure to cordially invite you to the upcoming 16th annual meeting of the Saudi Association of Neurological Surgery, SANS. The department of neurosurgery at King Abdulaziz Medical City, National Guard Health Affairs, Riyadh will be honored to host this important annual national event. The meeting slogan for this year is “Back to Life” as we all hope that the bad era of covid-19 pandemic is over. We are going to meet in-person in Riyadh, March 25th -27th, 2022. March in Riyadh is just ideal.
Well!!, it is not only social! The scientific committee is preparing a world-class scientific program representing the cutting-edge in research and technology in the field with a good share of the academic activities devoted for education to our trainees and junior staff. Many prominent international speakers accepted our invitation to present in-person or virtually their outstanding experiences and research. In addition, this year SANS meeting will be in conjunction with the 3rd Middle-eastern Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery meeting. This shall enrich our scientific program with outstanding presentations in this ever-evolving subspeciality.
We recognize the continued concern of the Corona Virus (COVID 19) pandemic. The health, safety and well-being of our members and attendees are of paramount importance and concern. All participants planning to attend the in person meeting in Riyadh Saudi Arabia must be vaccinated including speakers, guests and exhibitors.
Once again, we are excited to having you all in Riyadh for our in-person 2022 SANS annual meeting to celebrate our society and announce it loudly that we are all” Back to Life”. Till then, please stay safe!
Best regards.
Always yours.

President, SANS 2022